This show aired on’s program NO COUNTRY COUNTRY, hosted by Davis Thompson-Moss in collaboration with Tyrone-Brown Osborne of FUNKY BLACK ANGELS, AREA BOY PICTURES, 21 MISSING, MANNING-OSBORNE.
Special Guests included Honeychild Coleman, K. Neycha Nerford, Monk Washington, and Rhasaan Oyasaba Manning. The panel was set the discuss the art of living as independent artists in New York City today, while sharing music from the FUNKY BLACK ANGELS diaspora. A barrage of callers changed the course of the discussion from the surreal to brief expressions of love, support and appreciation. The experience of live radio opened my eyes to the inherent impact of live radio today. I am inspired to enter the fray with an ensemble radio show early next year. In the meantime, Davis and Tyrone have organized a second installment of the NCC/FBA which will be recorded live at The Flatbush Sound Studio in early June. Stay tuned…